Monday, 18 March 2013

Sorok Alamat IP Anda Menggunakan Adds-on FoxyProxy Dlm Firefox Browser

Why to use Proxy?

If you are wanting to surf the web anonymously then proxies can provide you with a means to hide your home IP address from the rest of the world. By connecting to the internet through proxies, the home IP address of your machine will not be shown but rather the IP of the proxy server will be shown. This can provide you with more privacy then if you were simply connecting directly to the internet. There are number of proxies that can provide you with service. You can find a list of these simply by typing “Proxy List” into any search engine. There are some proxies which are free and some which charge money, the choice is up to you but we have found that the paid proxies are more reliable, faster and more secure.

Read more.

Link bg yg hendak install add-on FoxyProxy dlm pelayar FireFox:

FoxyProxy Standard

Add-on ini tidak menyokong browser Google Chrome.

Selepas memasang add-on tersebut, restart balik Firefox anda.

Cara2 menggunakan FoxyProxy, sila lihat video di bawah:

Utk keberkesanan Proxy berikut, selepas diaktifkan lihat IP anda di WhatisMyip.

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